Monday, April 4, 2011


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God's Blessings upon you, your families and furkids (if any).
Michelle Rose

April 4, 2011

I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face. Peace to you. The friends here send their greetings. Greet the friends there by name.
3 John 1:14 NIV

I often wonder what happened to conversations and letters between friends. For the most part now - I’ve fallen into this trap, too - much communication is done by email and texting, not speaking face-to-face or by phone. This morning I called my aunt and uncle in NJ. I had the most wonderful chat with my Uncle Angelo. We talked about what it was like back in the 40s (he knew more than I did about the early 40s) and how things were different when he served in the war. It was the longest conversation I had with him for a long time. Usually, I just ask to talk to my Aunt Nettie. I have friends where I live and although we’ve been friends for a long time, I usually hear from them only by a mass text message or email. I miss speaking to them. Ok, maybe they are having problems and don’t want to talk. But are we still friends? I was also thinking about when it was nice to get a card or letter in the mail; then came the technological revolution and now everything is done by email or texting (I’m not a big fan of the last, except for occasional ones). My two favorite ways of talking with someone I know are by phone or in person. I even bought some nice cards at Trader Joe’s to send out and they are still sitting here. This week, I’ll write these cards and mail them.

I think communication with Jesus is amazing. He’s never busy; never sends me text messages or email, and never turns away from me. The lines of communication and talking to God and my Saviour, Jesus are always open. I know it can’t always be like that in life, but it’s amazing to know that my God always has time to listen to me. He’s never going to be out of touch because of the technological revolution.

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