Monday, April 13, 2009

Good Friday

Lessons from Life, Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

“So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.” ~Luke 21:31 KJV~

Today the Romans crucified Jesus. He suffered unspeakable agony on the Cross as He shouldered the sins of the world alone. I spent today feeling depressed, since another student cancelled and I made no money this week. I wonder how Jesus felt hanging on that Cross, dying for people who did not believe in Him? Was He depressed? I know from reading the Bible that He asked The Father if the Crucifixion might be avoided, but Jesus also said those five words, “Not my will, but thine.” So Jesus knew that no matter what, He would be tried as a criminal and crucified just like one.

It never fails to amaze me that Jesus loved me so much that He would die for me. He didn’t question that He had to do it, He just obeyed the Father. I don’t believe Jesus became depressed that He had to do this. He followed the will of the Lord. The amazing part is that no matter what size my problems are, Jesus cares for each one, just as He loves me, even though I’m not perfect. He died for my imperfection. He died so He could see me again in Heaven – face to face – where all my sins would be forgiven and washed away.

Need I have anymore gratitude than this for the love of Jesus and my heavenly Father? I think not.

So Blessed and Loved by Jesus, Michelle Rose

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