Sunday, May 1, 2011

In the Midst of Praise

In the Midst of Praise
May 1, 2011

1”In that day you will say:
Although you were angry with me,
your anger has turned away
and you have comforted me.
2Surely God is my salvation:
I will trust and not be afraid.
The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and
my song;
He will become my salvation.”
3With joy you will draw water
from the wells of salvation.

4In that day you will say:
Give thanks to the Lord, call on his
make known among the nations what he
has done,
and proclaim that his name is exalted.
5Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious
let this be known to all the world.
5Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of
for great is the Holy one of Israel
among us.
Isaiah 12:1-6

I couldn’t help but include this whole chapter, maybe the shortest in the book of Isaiah. Yesterday when I was feeling down, and asked God to help me find something in the Bible that would help me, this is the first verse to which I opened.
After that, I thought, well, what’s the best praise song I know, and the Doxology came to mind. So, I sang it until I felt better.

Tonight’s God’s Tug will be short, since this was a lesson I’ve learned in the past and I have a feeling God will teach it to me until I know it by heart.

I’ve become somewhat lax about posting God’s Tug – I apologize for that. Not just for the fact that others (many I don’t know) receive courage and inspiration from it, but also because God has directed me to do these writings.(and we all know what happened to Jonah when he ignored God) ;~D

God’s blessings upon you, your family, and your furkids (if you have any).

Michelle Rose

1 comment:

Gillena Cox said...

ah, what solace there is in the living Word; glad you shared with us

much love...