Monday, June 22, 2009

Lessons from Life

Monday, June 22, 2009

*I have not written Lessons from Life since June 8, 2009. First, I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue writing them. Second, the original issue I wrote about when I started writing the lessons changed. So, I will be starting them with a focus on something new – health – including the way, how, and what I eat, its effect, physical exercise (which I don’t get too much of), spiritual/physical/financial/mental/emotional issues involved in eating/health, and more. My eating affects every part of my life. It’s a cross-addiction.

** If you cannot relate to any of the topics I write about in this new phase of LfrL, please feel free to let me know you’d rather not receive it anymore. If you want to continue receiving them, do nothing.

A Bit Too Much

I like cheese. When I ate meat, and now that I’m back to eating vegetarian/vegan, I still love cheese. Unfortunately, depending on the amount I eat, cheese affects me in an “unloving” and quite painful way. (I won’t go into detail) ;-D I had one of those days Sunday. I felt like I wanted to die or that I would.

I don’t easily remember my bad experiences with food I’ve eaten Obviously, or I would not repeat them over and over. Once the food passes my lips and the pleasure is done, I don’t think that some ill-effect could happen at a later time. Yet, it does and I mistakenly think that next time will be different, but it’s not. The older I get, though, the less willing I become to learn these painful lessons.

Ok, so between praying to God, writing these lessons, going to see a nutritionist in August (the earliest appointment), and doing what I can until August, I will become healthier.

“A dog is a wonderful excuse for getting some walking exercise. Although they may not walk at the same speed as a person, they get one out of the indoors and off the couch.”
by Michelle, who’s working her way toward becoming a former couch potato (or at this time a former 10# bag of potatoes) ;-D

Michelle Rose

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