Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pain or Corrective Medications?

Lessons from Life, Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pain or Corrective Meds?

Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.
Lance Armstrong

One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is love.

I take a statin for my cholesterol, which is too high no matter what I do with my eating or exercise. I dislike taking them, since they cause me intense muscular pain. I told my doctor and we discussed cutting down how many I take. Still, even though I don’t take the med everyday, experience pain. Yesterday, I was in so much pain, I could barely move and had to cancel my plans for the day. Later on, I was able to go out and do some tasks that were necessary, but I still had pain and general weakness.

Sometimes I wonder if there’s another med I can take or if I should just learn to live with the pain from them. I don’t want to put my life on hold; however, it’s a challenging tossup between the two. If I do not receive a call for work on Monday, I will call my doctor and discuss this issue with him.

When I think of Lance Armstrong, I remember all the pain he went through in his fight against testicular cancer. He’s a superior athlete and a model not to give up, no matter what the odds. Through the ages, God has shown us example of that, too, with men like Moses, Paul, and most of all, Jesus. So, I think if others can bear their pain, so can I, while making sure the meds aren’t doing anything harmful to me.

Gratitude – a day to rest from the pain I feel, being able to accomplish some tasks, Sasha for being my companion, and the Lord for being ever with me.

Walking with the Triumvirate, Michelle Rose

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