Friday, November 27, 2009


Nature Pictures, Images and Photos

Photobucket Image by KimCandy2

I always imagine peace to be someplace where it's quiet, like beside a rocky stream in the woods with no people around and just the sounds of nature to soothe me. Yes, that's peace. But from my experiences peace can be found in the middle of a crisis or a noisy, crowded place (I'm thinking a sidewalk in NYC). ;-)

It can even be found in the middle of heartbreak. I remember several years ago when I was living in a place where I was very unhappy and lost both my cats I'd had for a very long time within weeks of one another. My heart felt crushed and I was afraid to love, fearing that anyone or anything I did love, well, that something bad would happen to them. Someone I was very good friends with then reassured me - many times over - that this was not true. Even in the middle of this I managed to find peace - it may have been temporary, but I still found it.

Now years later and after going through many more crises after, I understand that peace - something I heard years ago - is not separation from the storm, but in the midst of it. Not easy to do, but once I was sure of my faith in God, it became more of a certain feeling, because He is my peace.


Photobucket Image - Icons

1 comment:

Nan said...

Michelle Rose,
It is such a pleasure reading from your heart, for your Lessons From Life are written from the depths of your heart. A great beauty wells up from within you each time you share yourself so freely with all those who are privileged to get a taste of your thoughts and beliefs. I love the images you include, also. Keep writing and inspiring me and others! Love ya! Nan